Meet The Faculty


Laura Angel-Zavala

Office: AD-201A
Email: [email protected]

Laura Angel-Zavala headshot

I’m Laura Angel-Zavala and I serve as lecturer for Faculty Advancement and Student Success. Currently, I teach General Studies 150, Building Your Future Self for Success in College and Beyond and I love it!  I am a first generation college student and truly enjoy engaging with students and supporting their educational journey.  I am a double San Diego State University alumna earning both my bachelor's and master's in psychology. My strengths include high levels of empathy, being bilingual and bicultural, community outreach, and group facilitation.

General Studies 150: Building Your Future Self for Success in College and Beyond


Dr. Adam Pine
Director, Interdisciplinary Studies
Office: AD-201B
p. 619-594-1467
Email: [email protected]

Dr. Adam Pine headshot

I am an urban geographer (Ph.D. Rutgers) with teaching and research interests in urban policy, race, hunger, and the global food system. As a community-engaged scholar, my work explores how marginalized communities advocate for change and how universities can support these efforts. My main research projects examine (1) the connections between the housing crisis and food insecurity; and (2) how anti-racist food activists are fighting to institute the right to food in the US.

The Bachelors of Arts in Interdisciplinary Studies in Three Departments (IS3D) is a unique degree that allows students to design their own coursework consisting of classes from three different disciples. Over 50 disciples are part of our program, so students have an extraordinary number of classes to choose from! We believe that having an interdisciplinary background helps our students become creative thinkers who are prepared for the careers of today and the challenges of tomorrow. Integrative thinking is important to addressing all sorts of problems. Please visit the IS3D website to learn more about the program and how to apply.


Jose Preciado

Office: AD-101F
Mail Code: 1623
p. 619-594-3581
Email:[email protected]

Jose Preciado's headshot

General Studies 200: Professional Experience & Community Service

General Studies 400: Professional Experience & Community Service


Dr. Ricky Pope
Faculty Scholar YMOC
Office: AD-201E
Email: [email protected]

Dr. R. Pope headshot

As a Faculty Scholar for the Young Men of Color Alliance, Dr. Pope aims to help students deepen their understanding of the self and others, maximize potential, and increase motivation to persist toward degree completion. His research interests involve critical considerations of racism and equity in education, service delivery to underrepresented populations, and the study of organizational structures and participant outcomes in the justice setting. As a non-traditional student, he transferred from San Diego Mesa College before earning a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and a Master’s in Education from SDSU. He then earned his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology from Western Michigan University in 2018. He works with the Office of Restorative Practices to build and strengthen relationships across the SDSU community.

Meaningful quote: "All need a sense of somebodiness, a feeling of dignity, purpose, and meaning in this short life."

- Dr. Pope