Open to all SDSU Students
Free hands-on access to technology such as 3D printers, sewing/embroidery machines, cnc machines, DIY electronics, VR headsets.
Website: https://buildit.sdsu.edu/
Email: buildit.library@sdsu.edu
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Thurs: 10 am - 4 pm
Fri: 12 pm - 4 pm
The MSLC offers free drop-in tutoring for introductory STEM courses in mathematics, statistics, computer science, chemistry, biology, and physics. We are constantly expanding support to new courses, so visit the MSLC website to see the list of courses we currently support. Additionally, many TAs and instructors hold their office hours in the center. Check the office hour schedule to see when your course's TAs or instructors hold office hours in the center.
Website: https://mslc.sdsu.edu/
In-Person Hours:
Mon - Thurs 10 AM - 5 PM
Fri: 10 AM - 2 PM
*Some chemistry instructors and TAs hold virtual office hours. To enter the Zoom room
to attend these hours, answer "yes" to question 1 on our sign in form.
- Research Discovery/Literature
- Search Help, Research Tool Workshops
- Information Literacy Tutoring
- Course-Integrated Library Instruction
- Course (Textbook/Media) Reserves.
Website: https://library.sdsu.edu/
Email: eref@sdsu.edu
Chat Help: 24/7
Librarian Consultations: https://library.sdsu.edu/help-services/research-instruction/research-consultations
Group academic support for Courses:
Chem 100, 200, 202, 232
Math 150, 151, 254
EE 210
Phys 195, 196
Psych 101, 280
Stat 119 and SLHS.
Synchronous and asynchronous appointments (written comments within 48 hours of the appointment day and time), plus writing workshops, reference materials, and advice.
Website: https://writingcenter.sdsu.edu/
Email: writingcenter@sdsu.edu
Website to make tutoring appointments & attend workshops: https://sdsu.mywconline.com/
Open to SDSU Students Based on Program Affiliation / Major
Drop-in tutoring for Courses:
AE 200, AE 280, ME 200, ME 220, ME 304, CIVE 225, CIVE 301, COMPE 160, COMPE 271, EE 200, EE 410, ME 360
Workshops, advising, mentoring, and support available.
Open to commuter students
Website: https://www.sdsu.edu/commuterlife
Email: sllcommuterlife@sdsu.edu
Hours of Operation:
Mon - Thurs: 8 am- 8 pm;
F 8am-4:30pm
Tutoring for most general education and lower-division courses.
Open to EOP and SASC students
Website: https://sacd.sdsu.edu/eop/services/learning-support-center
Virtual Front Desk / Zoom Meeting ID: 919 9273 0494
Email: eoplsc@sdsu.edu eoplscfrontdesk@gmail.com
EAB Online Appointments: sdsu.campus.eab.com
GoBoard: https://sdsueop.goboard.com/
Courses: BA 323, Acctg 201, 202, 331, BA 350, BA 360, STAT 119, MIS 301, ECON 101, MATH 120
Open to business pre-majors and majors
Website: https://business.sdsu.edu/undergrad/tutoring
Email: businfo@sdsu.edu
In-person & online tutoring services for SDSU Imperial Valley matriculated students. Academic Learning Center tutors gladly accept appointments scheduled at least 24-48 hours in advance.
Open to SDSU Imperial Valley students
Website: https://business.sdsu.edu/undergrad/tutoring
Email: businfo@sdsu.edu
To schedule an appointment:
Email jtan@sdsu.edu – include RED ID, course syllabus for the course you need help with and your preferred
appointment time.
Tutoring for PSFA subjects: Art; Communication; Criminal Justice; Journalism; Hospitality & Tourism Management; Music; Television, Film, & New Media; Theatre
Learning Coaching: 1:1 sessions to help you learn how to learn and achieve your goals as a student
Open to PSFA majors, ROTC students, & students enrolled in PSFA courses
Website: http://mywco.com/parc
Virtual Learning Center on Discord: https://bit.ly/virtualparc
Study & Recharge Rooms (open to all students):
PSFA 200 & AH4230/4231
Mon - Friday 9am - 4pm
Writing Courses: RWS 100, 200
Math Courses: 120, 141, 150
Physics Courses: 180A/B & 195/196
Chem Courses: 100, 200
Open to students living in the residence halls
Website: https://housing.sdsu.edu/services-amenities/star-center
Writing Courses: RWS 100, 200 280, or 305w
Math Courses: most 100 and 200 level courses
Open to Student Disability Services students only
Virtual Front Desk: https://sds.sdsu.edu/services/trio
Tutor Coordinator email: shaslem@sdsu.edu
To schedule an appointment:
call 619-594-8956 or email trio_sss@mail.sdsu.edu